Updated: 02/25/2025
Meetings start at 1PMĀ for the public to gather and talks usually start at 1:15 / 1:30PM.
Field Trips are members only, but you can sign up at any time through our membership page!
2025 Meetings
Date | Topic/Event | Presenter |
Jan 12 | Relationship Between Herps and Plants in the Wild | Alex Karasoulos |
Feb 9 | Salamanders (cancelled due to weather) | Scotland McCarthy |
Mar 9 | Paid Members Only Field Trip | Capron Park Zoo |
Apr 13 | Nature Journaling | Rob and Marci Haneisen |
May 18 | Vernal Pools | Rick Roth of Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team |
Jun 22 | Massachusetts Reptile Expo | Massreptileexpo.com |
July 13 | Open | |
If a month says “Open” | We are looking for Presenters! | |
Aug 10 | Open | |
Sep 14 | Open | |
Oct 12 | Halloween Party (Potluck, Pumpkin Carving, Costumes!!) | In Person at the New England Wildlife Center |
Nov 16 | Massachusetts Reptile Expo | MassReptileExpo.com |
Dec 14 | Holiday Potluck! | Food, Friends, and Voting! |
Past Meetings
Dear Prospective Presenter:
If you would like to come to a meeting and speak to our group, please choose an open date from the list above. Please tell us what format you can present with (PowerPoint, Keynote etc.) Let us know if you have a Mac or PC.
Your talk should run 30-45 minutes or so; 60 minutes is fine if you like!
If you need a slide projector or laptop projector, let us know.
There is a $100 Honorarium to the online speaker in appreciation. More will be offered to in person speakers based on talk location and traveling expenses.
Contact info:
Programs committee email: [email protected] or [email protected]
NEWC phone # 781-682-4878 or email, [email protected]